FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Can RSBs be housed and cared for in the same manner as Kenyan Sand Boas (KSBs)?
Will RSBs take frozen/thawed food items?
Is the black and super black phase an inheritable trait?
Yes. More information concerning genetics is available at RSB Morphs.
Do I like RSBs better than KSBs?
I love and appreciate both species, however, below is an outline of RSB traits that I prefer over KSB’s.
RSBs are significantly more active above the substrate than KSBs. They seem to be curious, outgoing creatures, and tend to be more inquisitive and interactive with their keepers. Even as juveniles, they will often come to the front of their opened enclosures to investigate the keeper’s activity. This, of course, is especially the case when they are hungry.
Subadult and adult RSBs take frozen/thawed rodents more readily than KSBs. Some juvenile RSBs will take frozen/thawed, but others need to develop a solid feed routine on live first, then can be easily switched. All of my adult RSBs take both frozen/thawed and live rodents at any given feeding. This is incredibly convenient, allowing me to utilize whichever resource I have available at any time.
Temperature and Humidity Requirements
RSBs can be kept the same as KSBs in terms of temperature and humidity. However, RSBs are naturally adapted to a wider range of temperatures and are an especially cold tolerant species. They also do not tend to experience shed issues at lower humidity, unlike KSBs.
Ontogenetic color/pattern change
RSBs are born with a juvenile color and pattern that will change as they mature. This is particularly more interesting, in my opinion, than static KSB patterns. It’s amazing to watch a juvenile gray RSB with black dorsal stripes and a black belly, turn into an almost solid, high-gloss black specimen with random star-like dots on its sides, as an adult.